The use of cocaine in crystal form became popular in America as a recreational drug during the 1980s. Decades later, it is still a widely used substance. It is not unusual for cocaine to be easily accessible at social events and parties. Unfortunately, there are millions of individuals that seek treatment for cocaine addiction every year.
Seeing a loved one struggle with substance abuse, especially cocaine, is not easy. Undoubtedly, cocaine addiction can result in serious harm to the people who use it. If you or someone you know is suffering from cocaine addiction, it is important to seek professional treatment. Here are 3 ways to approach and support someone abusing cocaine.
How to Spot a Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is undoubtedly addictive, especially if smoked in crack form. Even frequent cocaine users, who think they know their limits, are at risk of overdose.
One of the biggest side effects is developing a cocaine dependency. Most individuals go to great lengths to get their hands on cocaine. Some will even risk putting themselves in dangerous or life-threatening situations. This is why it is crucial to be aware of the signs of cocaine addiction and know how to get someone the help they need.
The first step towards helping your loved ones is to identify the physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms of cocaine abuse.
Here are some of the most noticeable symptoms to look out for:
- Being unable to stop using cocaine, despite it negatively affecting their lives.
- Paranoia and lying about drug use, spending, and whereabouts.
- Appearing agitated or irritable for no discernable reason.
- Borrowing or stealing money from friends and family members.
- Avoiding activities or events that they previously enjoyed.
- Frequent nosebleeds, reduced appetite, insomnia, and rapid heart rate.
- Socializing only with other users.
- Acting impulsively, being overly energetic or confident when under the influence.
If you notice these signs, it may suggest that the individual is struggling with cocaine addiction and needs professional support. Harm Reduction Center is a private healthcare service provider that offers highly personalized services for those struggling with substance abuse.
Our utmost goal at Harm Reduction Center is to support and empower your recovery process. We understand that the process of recovery is different for everybody, we’re here to stand by you and your loved one as you walk through this journey together.
3 Ways to Approach and Support Someone with a Cocaine Addiction
Here are a few tips for approaching and supporting an individual struggling with cocaine addiction. It can aid you in approaching the person in a way that encourages a safer and more fruitful conversation.
1. Understand Their Frame of Mind
The first and most important thing is to try and put yourself in their shoes. Their mindset determines their behavior and actions. Although an addict’s behavior may go beyond your understanding and appear irrational from the outside, it is still possible to understand them.
Cocaine is commonly portrayed as a “party drug” in the media, one that is very cool and glamorous. However, in reality, cocaine addiction is relatively quiet, private, and secretive. Most cocaine addicts prefer to consume the drug in isolation. This enables them to fall further down the spiral of addiction secretively. It also prevents people from finding out about their addiction.
Cocaine addiction is a mental health disease that slowly increases in force and power over time. It gradually isolates individuals from their family, friends, and loved ones so they can continue consuming the drug without feeling shamed.
Most adults who abuse cocaine or other drugs, primarily do it to mitigate the symptoms of depression and social anxiety. The origin varies from person to person, however, it can often originate from some form of childhood trauma.
Taking this into account helps you to better understand that their substance abuse problem is may have started as a coping mechanism that progressed into a more powerful, self-fueling addiction.
2. Be Prepared for Heightened Emotions
It is important to be prepared for sudden mood changes when confronting someone about their substance abuse problem. Cocaine addiction is often deep-rooted in shame. Users may prefer to keep it a secret and avoid using it in front of others.
Many people dealing with substance abuse have a fear of having their secret out in the open. When you approach somebody, even in the friendliest manner, they might unintentionally lash out at you because of fear of being exposed. Generally speaking, it is best to talk to people in a safe and comfortable environment.
In some instances, emotions may come in full swing, and the opportunity to conduct a fruitful discussion quickly disappears. In these circumstances, it may be best to give them the time and space they need and save the conversation for a better time.
3. Find a Balance
Without a doubt, seeing someone you love struggle with substance abuse can be emotionally taxing. While you want to be there for them and see them get the help they need, you can’t risk your own well-being. It is impossible to successfully help someone unless they are ready to receive the help.
Setting boundaries in your relationship is crucial, especially if they are still using. You don’t want to hinder your emotional well-being for the sake of helping them. Ultimately, when someone is ready to change, they will. Being aware of their addiction and supporting their road to recovery is sometimes the most that you can do.
Your Support Matters to Them
In conclusion, it is important to acknowledge just how essential treatment for cocaine addiction is. It can be challenging and exhausting to be supportive and emotionally available for someone throughout their addiction and recovery stages. Still, it is important to be there for them.
Making an attempt to do this is vital, commendable, and takes a lot of courage. Even though it can be challenging to be physically and emotionally present for someone who abuses cocaine, there is a certain kind of comfort and calmness to be taken in understanding one thing:
Your support might just be that one thing that can get your loved one out of this situation and make them draw away from substance abuse for good.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a cocaine addiction, Harm Reduction Center is here to empower and support each individual recovery journey. Contact us today for more information.